Importance of nutrition and supplementation during the preparation period and at the time of the Guinness record – nutritionist: Paweł Grochowalski

The main dietary goal of trying to beat the Guinness record at a distance of over 721 km where the athlete’s effort lasts about 48h is to prepare the body for the right use of energy resources. Increase your reserves and adapt your body to such a long effort through appropriate training. In this case you should focus primarily on fatty acids as the main energy substrate. Already a few months earlier, by reducing carbohydrates to a minimum amount, though necessary for proper training, the body learns to draw energy from its fatty tissue. The next step is to provide an adequate amount of MTC fatty acids (mid chain) during the take-off, in order to facilitate the body’s energy from these components, as they do not require bile acids to digest them, which speeds up the processes.

Fat in the diet is a very important ingredient, responsible for a number of processes such as cellular, hormone and vitamin transport. Their correct proportions in our body directly affect our performance in the sport by streamlining our life processes. This is why it is a good idea to consume oily or oily krill oil containing omega-3 fatty acids and limit the intake of excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids that can cause inflammation in the body. Do not blame the fat for increasing obesity problems. It is the sugar that bypasses its excessive intake of insulin and this is responsible for the accumulation of adipose tissue.

The adequate supply of wholesome protein is a very important issue when choosing the right nutrition plan. Tissue regeneration can not occur without the supply of amino acids that the body obtains through digestion of proteins. Especially important are exogenous amino acids, which the body is not able to produce itself. These protein molecules are responsible for the restoration of damaged muscle cells, articular cartilage, tendons, activation and production of hormones, and participation in energy processes (BCAA) during exercise.

Carbohydrates are another source of energy without which the abovementioned project could not take place. Proper supply of sugars during the pre-start, during and during the regeneration period is necessary because, as the “most comfortable” source of energy for our body can be used immediately. The accumulation of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen in muscle tissue and liver allows them to be used during the exercise at a rapid rate. By “loading” the muscles 3-4 days before the start of more sugars in meals, we can increase their reserves in the muscles, which will give us the opportunity to increase the time and intensity of training.

It is extremely important that the role of water in both the preparatory process and the start-up is very important. Medium- and high-mineralized waters should be the basis of the fluids consumed throughout the day. It is the best source of elements, because by this form they instantly get into our cells. We are not able to store large amounts of water, but we can accustom your body to difficult conditions such as high temperatures. Eat small amounts of fluids at short intervals to train with a small amount of water in your stomach. Of course, during take-off, it is necessary to obtain isotonic drinks, whose appropriate osmotic pressure allows for hydration at minimum interval from consumption.

Another punk is the preservation of the correct amount of minerals and mainly iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium. These are the minerals that are responsible for the proper functioning of the system from cell oxygenation, through hydration to proper processes that take place in the nervous system.
In spite of properly composed meals, a man in such ventures is not able to eat as much food as he or she needs to balance losses resulting from over-programmed use of ingredients for thermoregulation, hydration and regeneration processes. An excellent solution is available on the market today in mineral chelates, which allow for much faster absorption of ingredients. Iron deficiencies are best corrected by consuming offal, red meat, nettle juice and beet juice (pickled or standing) in the presence of vitamin C. Mineral components are worth mentioning about Calcium. Broccoli, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower or dried apricots are rich in calcium, a mineral necessary for proper bone structure. Contrary to popular belief, pure milk is not a good ingredient in an athlete’s diet because of frequent intolerances to sugars and milk proteins.
Extremely important role of vegetables:

Green vegetables have large amounts of sulfur amino acids needed to produce collagen, a component of articular cartilage, which undergoes severe damage to such heavy loads. In addition, they contain a number of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, without which we can not talk about the correct absorption and synthesis of a number of components in our body. Hence, it is recommended to consume a large amount of vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, zucchini, green peppers, sugar beetroot, kale, lettuce, okra, rucola.

Acid-alkaline balance:

With intense physical activity and high protein supply, it is often acidifying the body. The proper supply of vegetables and fruits plays a decisive role in the regulation of the PH system. Thanks to the appropriate proportions of plant products and control by, for example, urine PH test, the acid-base balance in the body can be easily observed.

Sports Nutritionist – Paweł Grochowalski /